Quantum Science and Reincarnation


Some people are sceptic about the experiences of reincarnation. But evidence has mounted over the years about the existence of reincarnation with scientific data validating the phenomena, that even the sceptics find hard to explain.

There are two main types of reincarnation cases: hypnotic and spontaneous. Worldwide, children between the ages of 2 and 5 have been found to spontaneously report convincing memories of past lives.

Some of these children have shown physical evidence such as repeating birthmarks or birth defects from previous lives or trauma during death, and similarities in character traits and behaviours such as phobias and attachments. In many cases, the children’s revelations have been completely verified.

This is the case of several studies conducted by Ian Stevenson, who worked for the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, demonstrating spontaneous memory recollection of past lives for decades.

Scientific Studies 

Jim Tucker started helping Ian Stevenson in the early 1990s and continues to examine cases of children to claim to have lived past lives.

Through Tucker’s research, some numbers emerged such as that almost 70% of these children had died a violent or unnatural death, 60% of them are males and 90% say that they lived previous lives as same sex they are currently. Tucker’s work sees a correlation between the time of death to reincarnation to be 16 months.

Reincarnation remains controversial. Evidence is strong and we can’t say that it does not occur, but the evidence does show irrefutable proof of its existence. Over 2500 cases have been studied.

Some examples of these cases are of a boy who reported that at the time of death, his fingers were chopped off and he was born with very deformed fingers. A young girl reported having skull surgery before death and she had a large scar or band across her skull.

There is also the story of an Indian girl (1948), who remembered her life in another village with clear details about her family, a long list of acquaintances and their names.

All these experiences plus many others were independently verified by historical research.

Reincarnation and Hypnosis 

Recalling past lives through hypnosis has been the subject of much controversy due to some people having difficulty recognising where memory comes from, sometimes called a source-monitoring error.

Some people may tend to convince themselves that what they see is not real when they come out of hypnosis and some people may have exaggerated viewing especially if they are creatives.

Regardless of the client’s response, many highly experienced regressionists have reported convincing evidence of many reincarnations through their work.

There is, however, the possibility that people with high psychic and ESP abilities, may mistake other people’s memories as their own and this can be confusing and misleading.

This may have led to the false memory syndrome, which caused a lot of therapists to shy away from past life regression due to fear of being sued by clients.

What some of them have missed is that this type of situation belongs to a materialistic worldview and ego-based attitudes from clients.

There is more to the physical universe and those therapists may have to do more psycho-education and explain quantum science before performing past life regression on people with tendencies towards scepticism.

Mind is not brain and is nonlocal, which means it exists beyond space and time. Data has clearly shown that if the mind can survive, reincarnation is possible and likely to happen.

The Quantum local domain stores the memories held in the subtle bodies after death. Each reincarnation accumulates themes, intentions, karma and learning. These characteristics can be transferred from one life to another through nonlocal correlation.

The idea is that there is an ongoing meaning which is constant throughout many lifetimes and can be described as the quantum nomad.

This meaningful work and learnings as well as karma, either positive or negative, become a constant underlining theme and driving force for future reincarnations so that work can continue to be done towards eventual liberation.

Nomad carries the tendencies of the thinking, feeling, meaning-giving inclinations and avoidances the person acquired during lifetimes.

The stories lived are different in each life but the contexts and the learning may be consistent and ongoing. 

Reincarnational memories 

Psychics and mediums seem to access the presence and reincarnational memories of discarnate beings, as they gain temporary access to the non-local domain, where the fields of information or Akashic memory are stored. 

It’s a discontinuation process where the memory is accessed in the nonlocal field.  Conscious intention and mutual agreement are necessary for the experiment and access of memory to work and to vibrate in quantum correlation.

The medium can establish communication with the discarnate monad and switch subtle bodies, including the full embodiment of the discarnate characteristics or habitual patterns during the sessions.

Channelling, connection with angels, spirits, sages, regression and guided dreaming fall into this category of tools for reaching discarnate memories.

Should we trust the validity of channelling? 

As above, channelling is possible when, through intention, the channeller accesses the quantum nomad and characteristics of the entity/ies they are intending to connect to, such as spirit guides and teachers.

They can connect to their dharma, and karma and gain insights and information from those nonlocal fields to assist their evolution or the goals or needs of their clients.

There are many pieces of evidence that shows the validity of channelling, for example, the case of Harry Houdini (Dec,1906) who almost died in one of his magic tricks. He got stuck inside a cage under the water and heard the voice of his mother guiding him out of there into safety.

Channelling can also be done consciously through tuning into creativity fields through practice. Some examples are musicians who access new tunes, painters who create a completely new piece of art or automatic writing when one purposely tunes in to channel information and allow guidance to help them write.

Soul, karma and purgatory 

According to quantum science, the soul is a wave of possibility for consciousness to choose from, presenting as manifest whilst in entanglement with body/mind.

After death, it disengages from the physical/manifest and remains as a nonlocal memory until reincarnation.

Other views of the soul include seeing it as an entity or subtle body that exits one life and reincarnates into another. The Hindus believe that the soul has an uplifting tendency to move from the body/mind to the mind/soul to gain liberation and unify with spirit.

Most people think of karma as misfortune happening to people who do bad things, which they have to become liberated from to not reincarnate.

Karma for Hindus and Buddhists means certain learned habits and inclinations that are carried from one life to the next.

Purgatory can be viewed as a transitory space after death, where the soul has chosen to return to another incarnation to fulfil its monadic purpose and momentum for evolution.

Karma, guna and dharma 

Karma – Inclination, intention, propensities, habits and character. Repetitive thoughts and feelings and the experiences associated with them may form a certain inclination towards developing a particular character.

Other karma tendencies that can be used to guide a psychology session include propensities to either be selfish or selfless, being generous or greedy, being present and compassionate or cruel and judgmental.

It may be important to remove blockages and negativity so that when the soul exits the body/mind at the time of death, it can more easily untangle from the brain, body fluids (blood/yin) and therefore, the body.

Guna refers to the conditioning of an individual in their present life, which is also an accumulation of those conditionings, propensities and character traits accumulated from previous lives. So it represents one’s level of evolution brought about by the many reincarnations.

When expressed excessively or out of balance, Gunas can become pointers in the direction of one’s work or purpose if the individual is curious about it.

Dharma may refer to a way of life, which is naturally dished out to individuals as they reincarnate. It is an accumulation of certain qualities and propensities learned and brought forward.

Dharma provides opportunities to utilize these qualities and learnings in similar contexts from previous lives. These opportunities can lead to the right path of spiritual advancement.

Past life regression therapy 

Past life regression therapy, when facilitated by a professional/expert therapist, can offer valuable insights to the client about the origins of their current difficulties, especially if these problems are repetitive and have been unable to be resolved by any other available therapy or treatment.

Some examples of how becoming aware of past lives can be useful include being able to observe their past character and traits and compare them with current life and its contexts.

It is also useful for linking any current physical pain or injury to the past or damage to the body by a violent or traumatizing death.

The therapist can also learn whether the client’s soul has chosen to evolve sideways and reincarnate multiple times into different species before becoming human.

Many regressionists speak of families reincarnating together in different lives to go through different lessons and try to evolve.

Family members find the information useful as they learn about their previous roles, and their shortcomings and gain insights on how they can create changes to fulfil their dharma and purpose.

Other examples of the benefits of doing a past life regression include accessing past phobias, especially if there is no other explanation for the behaviours in the present life.

Many people have benefited from accessing past life conditioned memories under hypnosis, which may facilitate the pulling apart of negative feelings and cognition and give the old context new meaning.

There is a possibility that the person accessing nonlocal memory could be picking up on collective memory available unless there are clear signs that the particular memory belongs to them. An experienced and well-trained therapist to facilitate those sessions is a must.

Reincarnation and psychotherapy 

The idea of reincarnation can be used in psychotherapy when the patient shows a belief in reincarnation and a willingness to address reincarnation during psychotherapy sessions.

The use of a psychological questionnaire to interview the patients on their beliefs around reincarnation, what it means to them and its relevance to their current life issues, would be essential for assessing the patient’s level of openness and willingness to try something beyond the norm.

Reincarnation may require that the psychotherapist has enough knowledge of the topic, strong ethics and an ability to use the information shared by the client in a way that is going to enrich the therapeutic process and is applicable and beneficial to the client’s unique presentation.

The fact that true and false memory can be both recalled with great vividness poses an issue for the inclusion of past life regression to be used as a tool in psychotherapy and care must be taken with preparation for the process to take place.

Including psychoeducation about quantum views, Monad, guna, dharma and karma about reincarnation may raise awareness about the importance of this work and can be helpful to clients.

It is important to move beyond their ego, to widen their views on the roles they play, define their values and improve self-connection and self-knowledge.

Meditation, acupuncture and qi gong/somatic movement when included in the psychotherapy sessions, would be beneficial to help create more coherence within.  

The purpose of adding those modalities would be to intentionally harmonise the energy flow of the subtle bodies, clearing noise and negativity (emotions, memories and meaning) and hence increasing space for more awareness and connection with higher states of consciousness. 

New questionnaires and scales could be developed about past life characteristics, gunas, karma, dhrama and monad to assist in developing new assessment tools and treatment protocols for psychotherapy. 

Reincarnation And Family Constellations Therapy 

Reincarnation of propensities and karma runs in families. Family constellation therapists can see in their sessions a tendency of family members to come back together in the same family and context, but changing storylines and roles.

This is often in an attempt to correct their previous behaviours and attitudes towards one another.

Good and bad habits and their mental and vital tendencies come back to be replayed.

In troubled families, their karmas may have accumulated negative tendencies over many past lives.

They may have been ignorant or had poor awareness at the time of death of their purpose, karma and dharma, which may make the difficulties compound.

Family constellation therapy utilises these ideas to bring awareness to their roles, more clarity to their habit patterns, and their present and past conditioning.

The therapy aims to help clients move towards wholeness and get liberated from disconnection and obstructions.

Family constellation therapy also deals with transgenerational and parental projections at the time of birth or during gestation, which may impact the recovery of past life memories.

If only some of the individual’s karma and characteristics are brought to each life, it may be possible for the family constellation therapist to identify other possible characteristics already acquired but not activated, to help with the current life and nomad.

Quantum Science and the Tibetan Book of the Dead 

When consciousness leaves the body, it disentangles from the brain/body and retrieves to the non-local domain in a non-ordinary state of consciousness at the time of death, 4th bardo in the Book of the Dead. The word bardo means to transit.

After death, in the 4th bardo, the soul has an opportunity to have an insight into that life and how it was lived. If a soul can’t realize its oneness, it will miss the opportunity to join the light of communion with the greater consciousness.

If unprepared, the dying may still have another opportunity to align with a peaceful or angry god and at some point align with the Monad and re-evaluate the life just lived.

Eventually, one may be aware of the reincarnation process initiated, whilst being halfway between nonlocal time and temporality and have an opportunity to choose. 

Near death, near-birth and reincarnation 

Near-death experiences are examples of situations in which consciousness has ceased temporarily its identification with the body and its many components but may continue to identify with the subtle bodies so that experiences of being light or out of the body continue.

The mind has been shown, due to these experiences, to be non-material and can record and recall mental memories once the person’s consciousness returns.

In near-birth experiences, the unborn or young child may share the memories of the monad identity with the potential to be actualized later if the child is not so distracted by family stress or ego. But these memories can also be realised later in life with the help of a skilful regressionist.

The importance of reincarnation for the human race 

The concept of evolution has been challenged since Darwin’s theory. Ideas such as horizontal gene transfer and sideways hereditary have transformed the way we look at, discover new species and even rename old ones.

This is due to a new understanding of genome sequencing and the passing of genetic material sideways, from one species or whole population into another.

Horizontal gene transfer means nature can also experience leaps in evolution, it is not always linear and incremental as once thought.

What would make those new jumps of DNA from those leaps of evolution appear and how do they transform the next generations in positive ways?

These could be explained by quantum leaps and when those species are aligned with their own unique vibrational patterns.

Being one with their patterns and nature may facilitate an optimum state of health and the ability to adjust and thrive, regardless of their environmental challenges.

It may also lead to more diversity and complexity, an expansion that may be more in line with the movements and evolution of consciousness.

Reincarnation experts such as Dolores Canon, who has written over 20 books on the subject, describing her unique somnambulistic technique of hypnosis, have applied it to thousands of people around the world.

Dolores Cannon’ work was pointing to “horizontal” reincarnation. This is when a soul would choose the next species to reincarnate, depending on their evolutionary needs and challenges presented in each life.

Many questions remain about reincarnation and how it affects the evolution of the human race.

Do the souls who live in alignment with nature and their vibrational patterns, choose to reincarnate and pass on their wisdom?

Maybe only the souls who experienced many challenges and difficulties, with many lifetimes of karma, decide to reincarnate to repeat some of the experiences with more awareness to learn and evolve.

It is important to die consciously so that when faced with non-local memory, which becomes available at the time of death, during the 5th bardo, one can choose from many potentialities.

There would be the option of deciding what one wants to utilize in the next life or if enough work has been done, to transcend reincarnation in the 4th bardo. 

It is important to work during one’s life to remove as much as possible the negative conditioning, negative karma and obstructions that lead to persistent suffering, preventing evolution and leading to the perpetuation of karma and unfulfilled dharma.

Ethics is an important factor, as acting unethically can keep the wheel of karma turning.

Would it be fair to say that working towards maintaining the flow and movement of the vital, mental bodies, meridians and chakras would lead to more coherence within the physical?

This work would help clear the noise and skewed patterns in the fields caused by years of collected information patterns, both individually and collectively. 

Would the release of the old patterns, assist in restoring the soul’s coherent template, bringing about a clearer path towards the Nomad, purpose and new meaning? 

Intentional work in this direction may lead to an expansion into higher consciousness access, more creativity and in bringing higher qualities and divinity to Earth.

If we, both individually and collectively, cultivate awareness and proactively eliminate the accumulated memories and noise we share, could this pave the way for a heightened resonance with the non-local/higher consciousness domain across all aspects of our being

Would these coherence and resonance be a strong contributor to quantum leaps in evolution?


F.P. Pres, Julio – Should psychotherapy consider reincarnation?. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol 20, Number 2, Feb 2012.
Goswami, Amit – 2013. Physics of the Soul – Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
Rinpoche, Sogyal – 1992. The Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying, Harper Collins Publisher, San Francisco.
Fremantle, F; Trungpa, C. 2000. The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Shambala
Darwin, Charles- 2009 – On the Origins of Species – Signet (reprint)
Bonila, E. – Evidence that suggests the reality of reincarnation, Clin. Invest, 2015 Jun.
Laszlo, Ervin – 2021, The Immutable laws of the Akashic field. Essentials Publisher
Cannon, Dolores – 2003. Between death and life. Gill Books